The Communist Chocolate Hellhole of Time Travel


First, some pesky business. Vortexer Charles Gramlich is all up into the time travel thing, and it snuck up on me. I learned via a cold Google Alert that "Battles, Broadswords and Bad Girls," is part of the pulp fiction anthology A Rip Through Time. Charles, Charles, Charles. You've been holding out on us. Vortexers, head over to Smashwords and pick this up. Ga-head. I'll wait.

Terra Nova is holding its own in the ratings battle, coming in last week in the middle of the pack in its time slot. I've held on longer than I anticipated after the second episode. Maybe it's the sixteen pack abs and that Jason O'Mara-time travel-effect, but it still slides into my DVR dutifully each week, and I still watch it when I'm caught up on all my Alfred Hitchcock Presents eppies. There are no stellar award-worthy actors here. The CGIs are laughable at best. Do I care that love is blossoming in the younger set? Nah. Give me a skeleton autopsy and a wicked hot flip of the collar, 80's-style, any day. This is, after all, Thriller Island.(Middle Aged Male clip)

Though a bit of old news, still Vortex-worthy and waaaay too sweet to pass up...

A man claiming to be from the future was arrested at Switzerland's Large Hadron Collider back in April 2010. He was searching for his time machine power unit, something that resembled a blender, near the facility's kitchen. According to police, he wore a bow tie and "rather too much tweed for his age," and refused to reveal his country of origin. Upon arrest, the man claimed, "Countries do not exist where I am from. The discovery of the Higgs boson led to limitless power, the elimination of poverty and Kit-Kats for everyone. It is a communist chocolate hellhole and I'm here to stop it ever happening."

To show you how much I adore this six-ways-of-awesome randomness, I will inject a young man with a bow tie and "rather too much tweed for his age" into my next story. When the world becomes a communist hellhole, I can't think of anything better than a Kit Kat to make that medicine go down.

Have a great Monday, everyone.

4 comments on “The Communist Chocolate Hellhole of Time Travel”

  1. A world without Kit Kats is not a world worth living in. Thank goodness the man was stopped. Too much tweed for a man his age? Please. Any tweed is too much tweed. One question: In the future, must I wear tweed in order to qualify for Kit Kat allowance?

    Tweed or no tweed, this character IS a character, sure to inspire many writers no matter their genre. And that gets my imagination pumping. Hm. What if he's legit? Wouldn't that be a great story!

  2. Yes, a little time travel work from yours truly, part of a set from David over at Beat to a Pulp. I hope you enjoy. I saw the head commander from Terra Nova on the new Conan as a villain, and he was also in Avatar as a villain. He's about the most famous of the group I guess, but I'm generally enjoying it.

  3. @WM-I'm feeling a little out-of-this-universe anticipation right about now myself. Submissions are in warp-speed.

    @Sherry-agree on the tweed..makes me think of Don Knots for some reason.

    @Charles-He *is* everywhere, isn't he? Not buying how he could kick Mira's ass on the last eppy. I know he's supposed to be in good physical shape for a gramps, but that chick has some guns.

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