A Flying Leap Into 2010


2010 is not a leap year, but if it were, it would be a piping hot bowl of terrific. Alas, we must wait until 2012 to enjoy the enticing debauchery of that February day that may, or may not, exist. In my time thriller, Until Midnight, the entire back story hinged on a February 29th many years earlier in which a group of scientists used the day as an outside-of-time excuse to engage in all manner of behavior unfitting to respected scholars.

For 2010, we have the Universal Pictures release, Leap Year, starring Amy Adams as a woman with an elaborate scheme to propose to her boyfriend on Leap Day, according to some far-fetched Irish custom and Matthew Goode as a hunky Brit who annoys her to the point that any other man pales in comparison. Yes, this is recycled chick-flick plot, but we're not shooting for Shakespeare here, people. Although no respectable romance writer can land a contract for a romantic comedy these days, Hollywood is eating them up. Such is the cycle. What's hot in Romancelandia will be hot in Hollywood in, say, five years, and vice-versa. People want to laugh. Especially women, who always carry more than their fair share on their shoulders at any one time. And guys, you're all geeked-up on multiple viewings of Avatar. Am I right? The universe must have balance.
What new movie are you excited to see in 2010? What was your favorite of 2009?

12 comments on “A Flying Leap Into 2010”

  1. Oh, I can't wait to see this movie! I'm a sucker for all the Hollywood romantic comedies and uh, Matthew Goode is so darn appealing. 😉

    I saw Avatar and loved it! I thought it was a romance on a couple different levels and enjoyed the story as much as I did the visuals. I may even see it a second time with MacGvyer since he missed it the first time around.

    Just call me Happy Geek.

    Movies I'm looking forward to in 2010... Iron Man 2 (love me some RDJ - Sherlock Holmes also rocked!) and I can't remember the title but there's a movie coming out with Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise that looks terrific! So good that it might earn 'ol Tommy back some cred.

  2. I'm just following Vesper around saying Happy New Year to everyone! In case I forgot. I've been known to do that... what was I saying?

  3. Some day I am going to have to write about my love of "chick flicks". They aren't perfect, but they have something that I crave regarding romance and emotional content. I think that is what made me explore the world of romantic literature a while back when I was casting about for a way to expand my writing

  4. @Vesper-You, too! May liquid poetry continue to flow through your muse 😉

    @Happy Geek...uh, Robin ;)-I wish we lived close enough to make it a girl's night out.

    @Rick-Happy New Year! May this be the year you land Bigfoot 🙂

    @Todd- Back at ya 🙂 I *really* meant to see that this past year, too. Now, it's in my Netflix cache. I can't wait to see it.

    @walkingman-If I'm ever in your corner of the world, I'm taking you to a movie. Beware! Chick flick with lots of eye candy for moi, but free popcorn. Who can complain about that?

    @Stewart-You're like one of those Cadbury Eggs...all hard on the outside, but sweet and gushy inside. Who knew a horror writer could be so romantic? Happy New year!

  5. Happy New Year, L.A....

    Favorite movie of 2009...STAR TREK!!! Watching for the 23rd time as I write.

    Looking forward to...what else...Robin Hood with Russell Crowe, but you could have guessed that, huh?

  6. i have no use for fellow canuck, cameron, so will NOT see any of his flicks...

    not aware of anything i wanna see from hollyweird atm....

    word verif: redamist [go figger]

  7. Happy New Year, L.A.!! I had a lot of fun watching "The Proposal" this year--yes, very light, but the abs on that Ryan Reynolds dude were un-be-liev-able ;). I haven't been keeping up with new releases, so I'm not sure what to get excited about for 2010, but "Leap Year" does look cute...

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