Bestselling author L.A. Mitchell published her first story—a time travel short called THE LOST HIGHWAY—as part of a romance anthology–in 2008. Since then, she has published over 34 works of fiction and non-fiction as a ghostwriter. Her works include memoir, business non-fiction, self-help, young adult, women’s fiction, and—most prevalently—romance. And though she’s covered the subgenre and trope gambit with romance, she almost always finds a way to include in every story that bit of woo-woo that speaks to her soul.
Her personal fiction encompasses her fascination with time theory, conspiracies, and the unreliable narrator inside us all. When not freelancing or crafting or binge-watching her way through Netflix, she loves to visit places with historical significance, appreciating vintage vibes and comparing then and now photographs. She invites her readers to post then-now photographs on her social media so they can all share in everyday enchantment of time travel.
Though she grew up in Colorado, L.A. makes her home in north Texas with her husband, two children, and two felines who stare at her while she’s writing and judge her as if they were Hemingway’s cats (minus a few toes).