An Excuse Faulkner Would Admire


Yeah, it's been awhile.  My blog ideas file would fill a VW bug were they not digital, but before we jump head-first into summer on Thriller Island (which I've heard is spectacular in a Sawyer-reading-Are-You-There-God?-It's-Me,Margaret-on-the-beach kind of way )and a more regular blogging schedule (shooting for the MWF trifecta) I have a compulsion to confess what occupied my brainspace in May that kept me so very non-Vortex oriented:

I reprogrammed my right thumb not to space twice after ending punctuation in my manuscripts, pitched a tent, downloaded WriteChain to my iphone (Holy Production Accountability, Batman!), watched some really craptastic movies-including, but not limited to-Sex in the City 2 and I Love You, Beth Cooper, entered three writing contests, found the Starbucks that's willing to break rules for my favorite drink, got a haircut sans the kerfuffle-and likewise, the post-haircut too-short tears, found a song for my novel's playlist during my spin class I never would have discovered otherwise, turned a year older closer to publication with major distribution, stopped working to pursue my dream, confessed for real, caught up on all the 24 hour restaurant battle shows archived on the DVR and laughed at New Yorkers' take on Texas in the barbecue eppy, discovered Bradley Cooper's awesomeness (even before the whole French thing!), lost faith in humanity when my car was smashed with no note left, regained my faith in humanity when a good Samaritan who could have been victimized wasn't, watched the Mavs-Go Mavs!! read The Energy Bus and wondered how Joy could have done all she did while driving a bus, nurtured a few new friendships, consulted the magic 8 ball on a few things, bought tickets to a high school reunion, lost all my memory sticks and found them again, won a five-colors-in-one highlighter, threw a party, and edited portions of two manuscripts.  Whew!

I'll be back Monday with a writer's fashion citation.  No pictures.  I promise.

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