Conference Redux, Part One


If I could go back in time, I would take more photos. I really would. I promised everyone and their monkey's uncle. But conferences require such copious amounts of stuff. And changing bags. And, well, there's no excuse, but to say everyone around me has always been a shutterbug and I get side stream photos from them. And, really, did you need a photo of the surly Italian waiter with the Elvis lips for the blog? In three months he'll have transcended anything captured digitally to be the perfect secondary character for my next book, anyway.

The Romance Writers of America conference in D.C. gave me enough material to coast on for a good two weeks, but for now, know I appreciate all the warm, generous support the Vortex followers gave me this past week. Yes, it's an honor to be nominated. And, yes, it's exciting to cheer whole-heartedly for the wonderful, classy authors-turned-friends who go on to win their categories. I want to extend my congratulations to humor writer Diane O'Brien Kelley who won the Novel with Strong Romantic Elements Golden Heart for her manuscript Death, Taxes and a French Manicure and gave an eloquent acceptance speech that left no doubt as to her ability to pen a great novel.

Also, congrats to frequent Vortex visitor, fellow Bond-girl, and friend Maureen McGowan, whose short story "Lost and Found" just became part of the Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance project. Actually, it is an excuse to post this great cover again. Can't wait to read it, Maureen.

This week, I'll have more post-conference bull, a Vortex 10 from the International Spy Museum and photos I've pilfered from my friends. For now, here's one of me with my roommates, who tried tirelessly to dry tears of laughter long enough to remedy my Princess Lea up-do into something that looked slightly-less awful:

(l-r: Melanie Atkins, L.A. Mitchell, June Love)

And my favorite, capturing old friends and new, BFFs in all our finery:

(front l-r: Mary Karlik, Teresa Southwick; back l-r: Angela, Sherry Davis, L.A. Mitchell)

Oh, and the only place I considered MacGyvering my way at conference was in the Ritz Carlton ladies room. Floor to ceiling stalls. Thankfully, the lock only stuck once.
First thing's first: What did I miss this week? Tell me what you're up to.

14 comments on “Conference Redux, Part One”

  1. I hunted for you on Awards Night and didn't find you in the post-ceremony swarm... But thanks for sharing the pictures--you looked lovely--and I'm glad we had a chance to chat for just a bit. Not nearly long enough, though. Looking forward to hearing about your Spy Museum adventures!!

  2. How many days were you gone? I wrote at least that many new pieces plus finished up all but the detail work on my next 80 page book of prose and poetry of Detroit, read to a live audience again (twice), Went and heard Megan Abbot read from her new book, bought one and gave it to a friend of mine, and now I can exhale because I know you got back safe.

    Didn't get into any car wrecks, didn't argue with the old lady, didn't get kicked out of the house and haven't cracked the seal on the Hitchcock yet other than that not much....and you Ms. Mitchell what have you been up to as InkyLuv? Save any nations on your journey? Check in at NSA for instructions, infiltrate any clandestine SciFi writers that ay have been holding covert meetings among the RWA conference?

  3. @Jen - It went well, thanks for asking. Glad to see you're writing again 🙂

    @Robin - thank you 🙂 Good for you, writing, too.

    @Maureen - I know! It wasn't nearly long enough. I expected to see you again, but never did.

    @Marilyn - You would have LOVED the Spy Museum. I wish I could have brought all my BFF writing buds.

    @walkingman - our cover is blown. A secret sect of time travelers infiltrated the conference, manifesting themselves as writers in outdated formals and Nora Roberts-style wigs. Seriously, though, it will take me a week to catch up on all your poems. Looking forward to your book.

    @Charles - I'd have been more comfortable in my Metallica shirt, but it is a bit holey by now.

    @Todd - Good to see you. How's the book project going?

  4. nicely done, lam... and looking good, besides 😀

    i'm working on a few tales, priority going to one i need to complete as an ongoing birthday gift for dear friend

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