Creative Blogger? Me? Pshaw.


Vesper, ye of the wish-I'd-written-that prose, has awarded The Vortex a creative blogger award. I shall try to give my acceptance speech before someone jumps on the podium and declares it should go to another with far greater soul and fashion sense. My candy-apple posts and pop culture cracks hardly seem worthy of such a thing, but I do have moments of serious navel-gazing introspection. Like here. And here. But for now, the award's rules state I must offer up seven trivial things about me. I'll strive for fresh here, as my prior memes are just this side of the TMI border:

1. I've always wanted a Jeep, but I settled for a Toyota. I love driving my standard shift and think everyone should have one so drivers will stop 4-way multi-tasking behind the wheel and just drive.

2. A large percentage of high school and college I b.s-ed my way through because my writing was like a new penny, mint-clean and eye-catching but not worth much. The teachers/professors who saw through it were the ones I most admired.

3. I've chased tornadoes multiple times with teams of meteorologists.

4. My greatest fear is being submerged underwater in my car.

5. When I was five, I decided to be a teacher. I never once wavered from that decision and never understood people who can't find their place in this world.

6. Ave Maria makes me cry. Every time. Unless sung by chipmunks.

7. I carry a blown-glass smiley face in the bottom of my purse. It was given to me by a very special person and I always seem to re-discover it when I most need it.

I usually break meme rules and refuse to pick someone to continue it, but since the challenge is given along with accolades and adoration, I choose:

Jen, Melanie, Sherry, Pam, Robin, Laughingwolf and Sandra this time around.

Thank you, Vesper, and thank you all for being such a special part of my blogging world. On the topic of trivial randomness, we'll usher in the weekend with this question: Other than the standard items (credit cards, money, driver's license, etc.) what is one interesting item you keep in your wallet?

16 comments on “Creative Blogger? Me? Pshaw.”

  1. You do know that you can get a Jeep with a standard shift right...though the Toyota has a much smaller carbon footprint, the Wrangler (2door) is way more fun to drive.

    My wallet is pretty mundane. Nothing stored there that would be incriminating or titillating. Although I am much more comfortable with it in my front pocket.

  2. Oh, L.A., this will be fun--give me a day or two (okay, maybe a bit more...)and I promise you'll get my trivia post.

    For my wallet/purse? I'm tempted to say my Swiss Army knife, but here in the West, that's practically as mundane as credit cards and money. My flash drive with my books on it? Nah, just as common for us writers. I'll say my mini-sewing kit, about the size of half a deck of cards. Laugh now, but when a button pops off your shirt, who are you going to run to first, hmm? 😉

  3. Whoo! Thanks LA for picking me. Do I do something now, or just grin?

    Do drop by my blog. I left something there for you.

    Ava Maria, ditto for me. I might even cry with the chipmunks. I really like that song.

  4. [Applauds Creative Blogger Award] Very much deserved.

    In The Wallet: A custom postage stamp my uncle had made of a picture of himself sitting on a rock, gazing out at a beautiful lake, surrounded by wilderness, and smoking a cigarette.

  5. Congrats on the award, L.A.! You really are my rock star blogger. 🙂

    And now it's my turn? Aww, thanks so much! You've put a smile on my face when I really needed it. Now to live up to the accolades and adoration... I'll post something in the coming week - as soon as I fix my little comment problem because you know, posting something like this cannot be done without the ability to get comments from my adoring fans. lol

    One interesting item in my wallet ~ a two-dollar bill that I will never, ever spend. It's for good luck.

  6. I'm totally with you on that standard shift. That's what I drive and I often find myself wishing it to people who seem just too "relaxed" behind their automatic... But do get the Jeep! 🙂

    I loved reading all the other things about you... I, too, have a lot of interesting things in my purse, maybe too many... 🙂

  7. oh! now i gotta do this tomorrow, once i get back from my dentist's :O

    the jeep is NOT a good environmental or practical choice... i think i posted about em a bit ago....

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