Day Two Yadda Yadda


Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. A pathetic showing of words today: 4,818.

In my defense, I encountered a time-bomber this evening. We all have those in our lives right? Pure detonation of intent. Still no excuse.

Oh, and lest anyone think these are golden words-4,818 of them-to that I say, "Ha!" Fast draft is about spewing the subconscious. Sometimes they come out in a flash of blinding brilliance *cough* never *cough* and sometimes they'll look more like this gem:




Because who can enjoy a love scene written at the speed I can wolf down a granola bar? No thanks.

Tomorrow is Starbucks, incentive to make up for today's deficit. Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone!

6 comments on “Day Two Yadda Yadda”

  1. Cartographers do not work any faster you know. They first lay out the basic information and then fill in the topography as they go...Starbucks over roasts their beans to make that wickedly bitter brew they happen to mis name as coffee. Why are you torturing yourself for not having a ten thousand word day?

  2. Yes, you and your sad, pathetic, barely a dribble of 4800 words. I'm hesitant to even mention I know you as your paltry, measly, scrawny 4800 words will taint my robust plowing of the keyboard somewhere around 670 words for this week. You're just dragging down my cred, girl.

    (And enjoy Starbucks--yawp and guzzle for me!)

  3. OMG! I *wish* I could write that many words in one day. You totally rock, Miss Yadda Yadda! (And I'm totally ignoring your count from Monday, because holy guacamole - it's lunch time, I'm hungry and I'm thinking the only way I could write that many words in a day was if I had a few strawberry margaritas in me because then I wouldn't care so much about the words spewing out - that's fatastic!)

    You are my word count idol. 🙂

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