Guyliner on Atlanteans? Nah.


One thing I love about ghostwriting is that I become a tourist in someone else's world. On the desk beside me is a stack of research books I wouldn't have picked up in a million years: theories of Atlantis, Norse mythology, a dictionary of made-up languages and a coffee table book called Drives of a Lifetime with some wicked-inspiring photography for an alternate world found right here in our world. With six different colors of post-it notes whipping out like foreign flags on a stiff breeze, it's an invitation to explore.

Back to research, but first this Vortex tidbit...

The term guyliner has migrated from pop culture vernacular to official entry in the Oxford Dictionary. I know, right? Exciting doesn't begin to cover it. Maybe they read the Vortex's official stance on the issue. Check out thirty-four other new word entries and have a great Monday.

4 comments on “Guyliner on Atlanteans? Nah.”

  1.'s a fluid definition. Some want ghostwriters to fix what they've already written and you act as more of a developmental editor. Some have an idea and want to pay someone to write it for various reasons. I heard a statistic that upwards of 80% of non-fiction is ghostwritten. People are experts in their field, but sometimes they can't rub two sentences together. By definition, all ghostwritten material becomes the sole property of the client in exchange for a flat rate or, more rarely, a percentage of royalties.

  2. @Todd...I can only speak for fiction projects so far, but the most challenging has been to take elements of the story idea the client is married to and puzzle them into the known conventions of good storytelling. Thanks for asking 🙂 Are you considering ghostwriting?

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