Kisses, Time Machines and Giving


I know-Seven midnights of kisses! Where's the seventh day? It's finally here and not quite midnight. In my defense: sick kitties, WIP, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and life-not necessarily in that order, though Rex Harrison's salty sea captain chuckle was certainly the highlight. But, alas, no kissing in that one. Not even a Gone With The Wind-style kiss set against an excessive crescendo of dramatic strings. Just love and romance in its purest, most innocuous form.

For the seventh and final installment, I give you a montage series that does a far better job preserving our memories of the finest kisses on film:

Great graphics and choices. Music, not so much.
Movie's Best Kisses Top 30 (30-21)
Movie's Best Kisses Top 30 (20-11)
Movie's Best Kisses Top 30 (10-1)

As promised, everyone who leaves a comment anywhere in the Seven Midnights of Kisses series by Sunday at 11 CDT will be entered into a drawing to receive a DVD of one of my favorite movies. No kissing in this one. I promise. At least I don't remember one. When would he have had the time? Ah, but you knew it would have something to do with time, didn't you? Good luck, everyone, and happy commenting.


The Time Machine, a Choose Your Own Adventure-style YouTube time travel experience, is gaining momentum. Help Chad, Matt and Rob get to their 12 o'clock meeting without dying. Start here to begin the adventure.


Travis Erwin, a women's fiction writer from Texas, recently lost his house to a fire. Erica Orloff and Stephen Parrish have created a virtual habitat for Travis and his family where you can purchase a brick to help him rebuild. Every little bit helps.

Also, contemporary romance author Gemma Halliday is organizing an auction to benefit one of her devoted young readers who, along with her mother, recently became homeless. Be sure to visit from January 19-26 to browse some of the amazing gifts for writers and readers that have been donated. Read about this teen's journey through homelessness on her blog.


Lastly, and far less importantly, I'll be celebrating my two year blogoversary next week. Two hundred and forty three posts of time travel, Vortex 10s and writing. We'll be time traveling a bit next week to revisit some of my favorite posts.

Until then, have a great weekend everyone!

9 comments on “Kisses, Time Machines and Giving”

  1. Happy blogoversary!!!

    You do a great job and I'm reading even when I'm not being a good blog-buddy and leaving lots of comments! (*sigh* *swats at real-life*)

  2. Wow, I just read her blog. Can't imagine going through that at such a young age. Thanks for sharing what Gemma Halliday is doing.

    (And early congrats on 2 years!!)

  3. Sue...thanks for being one of my most devoted visitors 🙂

    Charles...It does make me proud to be part of the writing community.

    Barbara...I'm so glad you had fun with it. They were likable guys, weren't they?

    laughingwolf...50? Wow. I hope a time machine will be the gotta-have-it electronic in fifty years, not a PC 🙂 strong and knowledgeable she is at her age.

    miladysa...thanks. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is one of my favorite movies of ALL TIME. I can't quite put my finger on why...but I've heard from so many others who feel the same way.

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