Motivational Posters


I have stumbled upon, quite possibly, the coolest posters ever. Ever. Cooler than these I had when I was fifteen: offers posters that celebrate classic works of literature. Each graphic represents an idea or scene from the book. Look closer and you'll discover the graphic is comprised of the entire novel's text. Of course, I'll steer you to H.G. Well's The Time Machine, but there is truly something here for every classic lover. If I were Oprah, it would be on my favorite things list. Posters for everyone! LOOOOOVE it!

If that wasn't cool enough for you, how about this sneak-peek photo of John Cusack in The Raven, a psychological thriller in production. The film is fiction, but based largely on rumors that Poe spent his mysterious last days chasing a serial killer inspired by his tales.

What's the latest poster you owned?

5 comments on “Motivational Posters”

  1. Hmm... the last poster I owned was probably an Ansel Adams. Now, if I went back a little farther, there was the usual Teen Beat group. 🙂

    I can't wait to see The Raven!

  2. Ohhh, so cool! You know I want that Pride & Prejudice one ;-). My latest posters are ones I have up on my office walls -- both are B&W film posters -- "The Philadelphia Story" and "Roman Holiday."

  3. Cool posters! Thank you for the link.

    I have a stand-up poster of Edward Cullen... 😉

    Merry Christmas, L.A.! My very best wishes to you and the ones you love.


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