Necessity Is the Mother of Re-Invention


So many things about my writing life are different today than six years ago when I started this blog. I was one of the first in my peer group to launch a blog dedicated to new content multiple times each week (and stick with it). I had the luxury of focusing on my own writing on my road to that first publication credit. And, let's face it, people read blogs back then. Now? Not so much.

I am so blessed to have a crazy-thriving freelance business that has gone from that first should I or shouldn't I? to a rapidly-growing clientele that books me two months in advance. When they select me as their ghostwriter or editor, I make a promise to them that they'll receive 110% of my mental agility, my creativity and my focus. It's an immersive endeavor each and every time-as it should be.

Many of my writer friends have cut back on blogging, using it only as a way to disseminate information when they have something significant to pass along. This works when there is a dedicated go-to, catch-all for RSS feeds. But the upcoming demise of Google Reader in July is just one more death blow to the blogosphere. Sure, there are others set to take its place, but Feedly (the most touted of the replacements) isn't supported by Internet Explorer. Last I checked, IE accounted for 60-70% of my traffic. Most people will refuse to let an online reader bully them into swapping a browser they cuddle like Linus's blanket. Without a mainstay that has a convenient interface and doesn't require blog followers to jump through hoops, I fear the blogger-reader relationship will grow even more distant.

I suspect this theory is more related to a professional identity crisis for me. Do I want my identity as a writer to evolve into a freelance business exclusively, thus necessitating a reboot of my online presence? Do I want to hoard my blog and online momentum (such that it is) for my writing and my career? Can I juggle two separate baskets when all I really, really want to do is stay off the internet and write?

This year is my crossroads year. The software I used to create my website will soon no longer be supported by my host. Necessity will become the mother of my online reboot. I just need to figure out what that reboot is.

I have two fiction projects in the final stages of pre-release. I'm so proud of both. They are the best writing I have done to date. Remember, if you want to be able to find my ghost projects, subscribe to my newsletter. With client permission, I'll be sure to post all the blurbs and buy links in there once they're released.

And loyal Vortexers? Have no fear. You are parked safe at Feedly for me. I value the connection we have made over all these blogging years most of all. Be well.

3 comments on “Necessity Is the Mother of Re-Invention”

  1. Business over blog--that's cool, the way a writer is supposed to be when looking for a groove.

    I still only write for TWM and then *shrug* the internet and smart everything I have just let pass me by, it doesn't need me nor I it.

    Be well Laura, I pray you find every joy and success in your career.

    Be Well

  2. LA,

    Being at a loss of understanding the technicalities... I'm, well, lost.

    Guessing this means my own blog may not survive. So let me say now, it's been my honor to be part of yours.


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