Patrick, Skiing and Kmart


After arm-wrestling with Twitter for over an hour yesterday, I'm nearing my social-networking saturation point. I'm craving face-to-face, voices, human sensory input, so you can imagine my excitement to finally speak with my Margie Lawson editing buddy on the phone today (Hi Jen!).

This is my mood today:
But, alas, I must push ahead to get my submissions out soon. Next week, I head to Colorado for a good, healthy elixir to combat homesickness: skiing. I haven't been home in almost four years, and I fear I may have picked up one too many "ya'll"s to be able to blend in seamlessly. I also won't have a ski buddy, so stay tuned for Stories from the Skilift. Maybe I'll meet a character for my next book.

I'm off to do all things writerly, but I leave you with this Friday laugh. Maybe it's my twisted humor or the fact that my brother used to do this kind of thing to me in public when we were growing up. Since it's super small, click to expand:Have a great weekend, everyone!

Next week: The Vortex Scavenger Hunt

8 comments on “Patrick, Skiing and Kmart”

  1. Hilarious letter, L.A.!
    Have wonderful break and a marvelous skiing! I greatly admire your ability to do it. I've gone 3 times in my life (all of which were on the "high peaks of WI" 🙂 and, still, it was like the Agony of Defeat every time...

  2. Your brother and my brother have much in common--in fact, I'll either have to post or tell you about the bomb scare. Hadn't thought of that one in a while...

    And I enthusiastically congratulate you on your intelligence--send out queries, then go out-of-state on vacation so your brain has other things to occupy itself with. Genius!!!

  3. Good for you for trying three times 🙂

    laughing wolf...thank you...if for nothing else but blog fodder, right?

    walking man...I'm with you..I think this Kmart Shopper would be someone I'd want to hang out with.

    Charles...glad you liked it. I think the Madonna funnels were my favorite

    Pam...all I can say is "brothers." Honestly.

    Barbara...thank you 🙂

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