Six (and Ten) Ways of Happy


Any time art meets time travel, I get six ways of happy. Russian photographer Sergey Larenkov matches World War II-era landmark photographs to their modern day image and fuses them together to create a seamlessly beautiful and haunting commentary on time. Friday treat: check it out. I dare you to tell me you don't love them as much as I do.

Of late, I haven't posted much. Remember virus #1? Well, virus #2 hit a different computer (I know!) and knocked the internet love right out of me. Replacing it is my love for my work-in-progress, which is a good thing. Except for the Thursday patron at the coffee shop who seems to think an open laptop means distract me with stupid questions, I like it. Poor guy, right? He doesn't have to name drop Harcourt Brace exec names to win my adoration. Merely expounding on how science fiction hasn't gotten the science right and backing it up with detailed descriptions of his staggering nerd-reverent library does it for me. Chat on, Captain Bother. I wasn't in the middle of a love scene or anything.

Also, the whole crickets chirping thing around The Vortex has not impacted devotion. In fact, the love continues to grow with more followers this week than in the blog's history. So thank you and welcome. When the ambient temperature in my world doesn't hover at a grouchy 106 and I'm not under such a wicked self-imposed deadline, I'll be back to thrice weekly posts. Until then, one of my favorite Vortex 10 lists: My Inner Bond Girl.

8 comments on “Six (and Ten) Ways of Happy”

  1. I've seen some of these and they are fantastic!

    As for the PC...OY! But I'm glad I've hard copy down. Gives me something to go over ( or edit ) when I can't get on-line (knock wood )...HUGS 🙂

  2. @Subby-I am pretty vigilant about protecting my writing, thankfully. Thanks for the reminder to print a hard copy though. It's been awhile.

    @Charles-hope you like them

    @laughingwolf-wow, grudge much? Can't we all just sing kumbaya?

  3. Hi, L.A.! Those pictures were beautiful! Thanks for sharing them.

    Hey ~ I met a super nice author in Orlando who writes time travel books. Her name is Gwyn Cready. She won the RITA last year. Have you read her books?

    Happy writing!!

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