Time Spent on Love

"Any time not spent on love is wasted"
~ Torquato Tasso

Ah, if only the world would equate love with time and attention, not gifts, how much different we would all be. Commercialism choking the life from holidays would cease to exist, and we would be able to experience depth and meaning in our celebrations.

Time is the greatest gift one can give to another. To spend something so precious we never get back on another is the supreme expression of love and compassion. The gift of time transcends romantic love, St. Valentine's Day, even familial love. Find time today to love a stranger. An hour dedicated to shoveling an elderly neighbor's sidewalk. Ten minutes to offer a weary traveler a seat on the subway. A moment to compliment a stranger's eyes. Any time not spent on love is wasted.

This week, seek out expressions of time to celebrate love. Here are some ideas:

Ransom Notes
Select one item with special significance to your Valentine. Hold the item for ransom at a romantic location and send one or a series of ransom notes that lead your Valentine to a special place where you'll be waiting. Piece together your own notes from cut magazines/newspapers or visit this site (being near-Rickrolled is an added bonus here!)

Around the World
Is there a place your Valentine has always wanted to go? Recreate that destination for them using one room in your home. Ask them to bring their passport and stamp it upon entering. Provide a feast native to that place and enjoy it together.

Love in a Bottle
This idea takes drawing a rose-petal bath for your Valentine to a new level. Take time to pour your heart out in a love letter, place it inside a corked bottle and float it on the surface as an added surprise.

Recreate a First
Think back to the firsts-the first moment you saw your Valentine, the first hour you spent together, the first time you realized you were in love. Go back in time and recreate a precious first.

Progressive Love Dinner
Make a multi-course dinner for your Valentine. Serve each course in a different room, even if the special spot consists of a blanket and candles. Finish with dessert in the bedroom.

Dancing In
Slow-dancing provides a touch point to love. Going out is great, but taking the time to plan a perfect evening in is even better. Dress to the hilt, share your finest meal and dance.

Romantic tip Hmmm of the week: place rose petals on the ceiling fan blades above the bed. Turn on the switch to shower your Valentine with petals.

Are we in Texas? Because down here those blades are set to gale force. Decidedly unromantic and potentially funny. Your dust bunnies may like it, though.

Tomorrow: Questions to Generate Ideas for the Right Valentine's Celebration For You and Your love.

3 comments on “Time Spent on Love”

  1. Oh Lynn!! What wonderful ideas for valentines day!

    We already have our day planned, I'm taking my guy camping and will be going for a long hard ride through the woods on Saturday 😉 (*points to avatar*)

  2. L.A.~the image of flying rose petals coming off the ceiling fan made me giggle. I kinda want to try that now :). And, oh, dancing... I, personally, always wish for that. My Valentine made a special effort to do this a few times, and they were always very memorable occasions.

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