Coffee-caliber Inspirations


Inspiration must come from somewhere, especially in this marathon race to the end of my edits. So, in the spirit of all that is right with my book right now (and because Sherry asked), these are a few things that keep me writing each day:

These, and a dozen or so other irises are outside my writing window. My absolute favorite flower because the window of "spectacular" is about two weeks. Sort of like my attention span if these re-writes take too long.

This Victorian house landed on my writing desk as a random gift about two weeks ago. It's actually a matchstick holder, which is symbolic in itself for my plot, but its capacity to hold tons of pencils keeps me firmly in my novel's setting and all those jagged points remind me what I should be doing, instead of, say, blogging.

Mr. G. isn't exactly the hero in my novel, but he comes pretty close. I'd give you the real deal, but alas, the real Evan Braun inspiration jumped ship from my crowded notebook at a coffeehouse about two months ago. Poor guy was not dressed appropriately, either. Maybe he made off with quill-girl and has become eye candy perk in the employee's restroom. Stronger than the Organic Sumatra-Peru blend, trust me.

So that's where I am. Lime green post-its, a plot board with evaporated words, historical maps of Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado in the 1880s, and this book, among many, to keep it real.

What inspires you this week?

5 comments on “Coffee-caliber Inspirations”

  1. Hey Laura,

    Love the Victorian, love the flowers - wish I had a window to my Irises, love the guy. The book looks very interesting.

    My inspiration this week is just to get the page count up. It's exciting to watch the little page counter flip over each time I add enough new words.

    Good luck with your edits!


  2. I finally jumped over the 'sagging middle' of my current paranormal and found out that I have edits next month and another set in June (two diff works) so my inspiration is to finish this book before those come along!

    Good luck w/ the edits!!

  3. Your flowers are lovely. I help promote the long life of our outdoor vegetation by staying far away from it. I have 2 of the blackest thumbs ever...

    As for inspiration, lately it's been Tazo "Passion" tea and rum-raisin/milk-chocolate "Manner" bars :).

  4. inspiration? I think, like you, it's the flowers. One of the most invigorating things in the world to me is the connectedness I find in walking the Texas lands in the spring, warm sun, cool breeze, and the scent and sight of the chaos of wildflowers. It can seem, for that moment, that all is right with the world.

  5. Sue,
    If I had the kind of land you have, I'd walk it everyday. The wildflowers out there must be amazing.

    I'm trying that tea. I saw it just the other day.

    Jen and Katie,
    You are so right. Often the best inspiration for writing is just to write.

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